This April 16th, Netflix will be premiering Dead Places, a paranormal drama set in South Africa. The show is set to take viewers on a supernatural journey as we follow the ghostly adventures of Will (Anthony Oseyemi), Kelly (Shamilla Miller) and Joe (Rea Rangaka).
The trio set out to hunt entities and uncover the truth behind the death of Will’s sister, 20 years ago. One thing is for sure, things are definitely getting a little scarier on Netflix, this April.
• Director: Gareth Crocker (Shadow) and Fred Wolmarans (Shadow)
• Screenwriter: Gareth Crocker (Shadow)
• Cinematographer: Nick Keulemans
• Producers: Phillip Wolmarans, Chris Lawrance (EP) and Colleen Lawrance (EP) – Motion Story.
Key Cast:
o Anthony Oseyemi (Agent, Troy: Fall of a City, Shadow)
o Shamilla Miller (Blood & Water)
o Rea Rangaka (Madiba, The Looming Tower)
• Synopsis: The action-packed series follows a paranormal detective, Will Stone as he returns home to investigate a series of supernatural occurrences for his new book. On his journey he meets Kelly and Joe, to form an unlikely trio, on the hunt for supernatural entities. Will secretly begins his own investigation into the death of his sister, with every episode leading him closer to the truth of what happened all those years ago.
• Dead Places was shot in 50 locations across South Africa including Cape Town, Johannesburg, the Cradle of Humankind and Thabazimbi.