Aspiring Afro House musician Ntuthuko Ndebele known as Mthuthu, released his spiritual interpretation titled iBhayi. The song iBhayi is inspired by the artist’s spiritual journey when writing and performing his music. The single was released for free in December 2021 through Mthuthu’s social media platforms.
IBhayi infuses enchanting sound, melodic instruments and vocal chanting that unravels a spiritual connection with self while allowing the listener to connect with themselves and their respective spirituality in a meaningful and deeper way.
“In South Africa, we are a nation that connects with spirituality in various ways. In our current generation, we have been given the opportunity to be anything we want to be and in turn, follow a spiritual realm that an individual wants”,
says Mthuthu.
Concluded Mthuthu,
“When I wrote and recorded iBhayi, I wanted to interpret the space I was in at that time. There is a lot of spiritualism involved in writing or performing a song which is influenced by many factors such as genre, background or state of mind. So, I hope that when people listen to my interpretation of spirituality they get to explore spirituality in their own respective form”.
Mthuthu (Ntuthuko Ndebele) hails from Ulundi in KwaZulu Natal. His debut took place in 2009 with a single is titled Kudlala Bani followed by Angelina, Bitter X, Pretty Face and Cinderella, before he took a break in 2016. He returned to the music industry with iBhayi and featured on a song with Wiseman Mncube titled ‘Shona Le’.
IBhayi is available on Apple Music and Spotify.